Getting in late this Friday due to being busy and forgetting to save a post ahead of time on Thurdsay... but it did allow me to post a "fresh" photo from earlier this evening of a Florida thunderstorm building around 40 miles to the west - note the anvil head just above where the sun is located. We just saw on the news that this particular line of storms had produced over 1,500 lightning strikes in just the past couple of hours.

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Great shot, Alan. I always find it amazing that there are so many lightning strikes in such a short time. I enjoyed your site, have a good weedend.
Most spectacular and well illuminated anvil head!
lovely ! the sunbeams are fantastic!
Great SWF photo!!!
This is quite a drama of darkness and light! Absolutely stunning!
This really is a handsome cloud with these colors and reminds me of the clouds here last night that told me we might get some rain. But we didn't.
My Sky Watch photo is at Canon Pixels
Giant cloud. It really has a presence to it. I love the "gold lining" behind it!
Beautiful capture and colour.
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