Any watching of the skies this Friday (ok, technically Thurdsay) involves strong winds, blowing rain, and leaves falling from trees, all thanks to Tropical Storm Fay, which has been dumping copious amounts of rain on Florida since Monday and seems intent to try and flood as much of the state as possible by the end of the weekend.

I used a long shutter speed in these shots to try and capture some of the wind blown effect in the trees - with the glare and brightness I suppose I realy need a ND4 or ND8 filter to do it justice, the polarizer isn't quite enough. (Yes, it is fairly bright outside - one of the funny things about tropical storms: lots of wind and rain, but not always very dark.)

Visit the
Skywatch blog for other posts that hopefully have more sun and less rain. :)
I've been outside trying to do the same thing. :)
That's quite the storm there, Alan!
I hope Fay dies out soon. She seems to be leaving floods wherever she goes.
Alan: Hope you stay safe under those scary Skies.
We have managed to squeak out a couple of nice days, but most of the summer looked like your photos and I think the wind blown effect came through nicely..Michelle
Nice photos and it looks like a lot of wind
I can relate to this scene. I posted a sunnny one just to cheer me up.
Not a nice day to be out in at all.
Hope the storm wends it's way elsewhere and you can see the sky again.
It makes me feel bad for complaining about ourwet weather... this as been bad as I've been seeing news footage on the news.
Doesn't look like a very nice day Alan, but a great shot for SWF!
It will pass. Doesn't look too pleasant at the moment, though.
Love the pictures. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss hurricanes! I'm back so come visit my blog.
Looks a lot like some pictures I took outside our front door.
Really like the shot of the Castillo in your header.
Fay set a record for number of times touching land
glad your strom drains did their job!
"Blowing in the wind" must be the comment here.
PS No Gold - only pictures...
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