Friday, January 30, 2009

Sky Watch Friday

All day Tuesday was foggy, but driving home in the afternoon we were lucky to see more than 50 yards away from the car.  I snapped this picture for Sky Watch this week - everything beyond that visible range was a single shade of pale grey.

Visit the SkyWatch Blog for all the weekly shots.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Steel Drum Band

While waiting in line for the Finding Nemo stage show a steel drum band setup nearby to play and I had to wander over and snap some close-ups.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

ABC Wednesday: "B" is for Book

Every day during lunch at work I spend pretty much the same way - while I eat I spend the first 30 minutes studying an industry continuing education program book to prepare for my next exam, and the last 30 minutes reading something fun: generally historical non-fiction, historic fiction, or - more rarely -neither of the previous two.

At the moment I am reading "The Old Patagonian Express" by Paul Theraux, written in the 1970's when Mr. Theraux boarded a train Boston, Massachusetts and continued by train (except where impossible due to there being no train for short stretches) down through Mexico, Central America, into South America, eventually to the literal "end of the line" in the Patagonia of Argentina - the last train station on the line, where you can go no further south by train.  If you enjoy travel books, trains, Latin American culture, or just some good old sarcastic whit, I'd recommending picking it up from the library sometime and giving it a read. :)

Visit the ABC Wednesday blog for links to all of this weeks fun.

(The above photo taken using a delay timer on the shutter release with the camera propped up on the table slightly by my wallet.)

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Dreaded Yeti

Eh, he doesn't look so scary... kind of soft and cuddly if you ask me. :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mount Everest - Sort Of

Have I taken a trip away from the flatlands of Florida to some high mountain range?  Not really...

Star attraction in the Animal Kingdom is the newest Disney roller coaster: Expedition Everest.
You take a train up onto and into the mountain, only to be confronted by the Yeti, who hurls you back down out of his domain - backwards!
They did a great job with the design and exterior and surrounding area - it has a great feel to it.
More shots of the area around the  mountain to come.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sky Watch Friday

The sun peeking through the trees and past the eye of an angel statue in a cemetery from Fernandina Beach, Florida.

Visit the Skywatch Blog for all the great shots each week.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Animal Kingdom: Alligator Rock Fountain

This is a neat little fountain - if you look closely you notice the rocks are arranged so as to look like an alligator/crocodile/dinosaur with the water coming out of the mouth.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ABC Wednesday: "A" is for Animal Kingdom

An easy "A" for me since I've been doing photos from the Animal Kingdom for the past week or so anyway.  So rather than continue with what I had been doing here are just four of my favorite photos from around the park.  Animal Kingdom opened in 1998 as the fourth major park at the Orlando, FL Walt Disney World Resort.  They like to say that it is is "Natazu" (not-a-zoo).  It is part zoo, part theme park, however.  

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Animal Kingdom: Tree of Life Flowers

A view of the Animal Kingdom "Tree of Life" with flowers fronting it - and fun with apertures.

Narrow aperture:

Wide aperture:

Monday, January 19, 2009

Festival of the Lion King

A couple of shots from the Festival of the Lion King stage show - half show, half Cirque du Soleil, half broadway.  Neat show.  Not very well lit so photos are not easy.  These were the only two that really even came close to coming out.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Animal Kingdom: Camp Mickey Minnie

In the outdoors-y Camp Minnie Mickey you can find a lovely creek to hike beside...

And you never know who you might find along side you:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Animal Kingdom: Gorillas

Next to the safari ride is an area for gorillas.  Three of them were out and about the morning we were there, which was great, since our zoo at home normally only lets one out in the large area at a time and even then getting good pictures is difficult.

There is also a pretty little waterfall in the exhibit:

Friday, January 16, 2009

Sky Watch Friday

Clouds reflected in the glass smooth water of a marina for small recreational boats at the Disney Port Orleans Riverside resort in Orlando, FL.

Visit for all the Sky Watch fun.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kilimanjaro Safaris: 3

More animals from the safari ride:



Some sort of very tiny deer thing:
