Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Sky Watch Friday

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Spitting Fountain... and Guitar Music?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
ABC Wednesday: "F" is for Fountain

This fountain is located in the parking lot of an upscale strip mall (is that an oxymoron?) here in town.
Yes, it is a topless mermaid on top... I have no idea why... I also was forbidden to photograph it from the front by my wife - she said I couldn't post naked stone mermaid breasts on my blog, haha.
Visit the ABC Wednesday 3 link blog to find out what everyone else is exposing this week (yes, that is a double entendre - exposing as in the topless mermaid and also exposing as in photographs...)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Pine down
Saturday, August 23, 2008
No, not Venice... the street in front of our house just after the main part of Tropical Storm Fay finally edged its way west of us yesterday afternoon. It was about knee deep down that street most of the day (I know because there were a few crazies out walking or biking in it...)
Thankfully our storm drains did their job and within an hour or two most of it was drained and gone.
No damage to report for us - just lots of leaves down in our yard - the roof and cars are covered. We did see quite a few branches and some trees downed in the neighborhood, and some areas nearby are flooded - it happens when you get over 12 inches of rain in a short period of time.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Sky Watch Friday

Any watching of the skies this Friday (ok, technically Thurdsay) involves strong winds, blowing rain, and leaves falling from trees, all thanks to Tropical Storm Fay, which has been dumping copious amounts of rain on Florida since Monday and seems intent to try and flood as much of the state as possible by the end of the weekend.

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
ABC Wednesday: "E" is for EPCOT

EPCOT began life as Walt Disney's vision for an "Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow" - it was to be a city of the future. It quickly became an amusement park instead. EPCOT first opened on October 1, 1982 and saw just under 11 million visitors in 2007, making it the 3rd most visited park in the US and the 6th most visited park in the world. (You can find more history and details here.)
Visit http://abcwednesdayround3.blogspot.com/ for the AWCOT (ABC Wednesday Community of Today).
Incidentally, Tropical Storm/Hurricane Fay is projected to hit our area late tomorrow and into Thursday, and while it won't be very strong and probably won't cause much damage, it is possible that we will lose power or internet access, etc. and that might prevent me from visiting or commenting on my blogs this week. I'll at least take pictures. :)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Golf Course View
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
For a great closeup view of the bluff you can visit the main page of this website, home of the Florida Association of Environmental Soil Scientists. (The things you can't find on the Intergoogle...)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Sky Watch Friday

Visit the Sky Watch blog for links to see what else is hanging around this week.
(Also, apologies for not getting around to comment on ABC Wednesday posts - storms knocked out our internet and I couldn't get around for them.)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
ABC Wednesday: "D" is for Ducks in Duckweed

What's happier than a pig in slop? A duck in duckweed, of course!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Twisted Old Tree
Monday, August 11, 2008
World Golf Village Tower: Part Deux
Sunday, August 10, 2008
World Golf Village Tower
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Golf Cart Bridge
Friday, August 8, 2008
Sky Watch Friday

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Nice Shot
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
ABC Wednesday: "C" is for Cannon

We bring out the heavy guns for ABC Wednesday this week, becuase "C" is for Cannon.
Cannon is derived from the Old Italian word cannone, meaning large tube, which came from Latin canna, in turn originating from the kanna—Greek for cane, or reed—and ultimately deriving from the Akkadian term qanu, meaning tube or reed.[1][2][3] The word has been used to refer to a gun since 1326 in Italy, and 1418 in England. Cannon serves both as the singular and plural of the noun, although the plural cannons is also correct.[1]
The first documented battlefield use of gunpowder artillery took place on January 28, 1132, when Song General Han Shizhong used huochong to capture a city in Fujian. The first known illustration of a cannon is dated to 1326. The Chinese also mounted over 3,000 cast bronze and iron cannon on the Great Wall of China, to defend themselves from the Mongols.
And as a musician I must also throw in the following:
Cannon have sometimes been used in classical pieces with a military theme. Giuseppe Sarti is believed to be the first composer to orchestrate real cannons in a musical work. His Te Deum celebrates the Russian victory at Ochakov (1789) with the firing of a real cannon and the use of fireworks, to heighten the martial effect of the music.
One of the best known examples of such a piece is another Russian work, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture.[120] The overture is properly performed using an artillery section together with the orchestra, resulting in noise levels requiring musicians to wear ear protection.[121] The cannon fire simulates Russian artillery bombardments of the Battle of Borodino, a critical battle in Napoleon's invasion of Russia, whose defeat the piece celebrates.[121] When the overture was first performed, the cannon were fired by an electric current triggered by the conductor.[122] However, the overture was not recorded with real cannon fire until Mercury Records and conductor Antal Doráti's 1958 recording of the Minnesota Orchestra.[123] Cannon fire is also frequently used annually in presentations of the 1812 on the American Independence Day, a tradition started by Arthur Fiedler of the Boston Pops in 1974.[124][121]
Head on over to visit any of the following for ABC Wednesday fun: