Conveniently the letter "M" this week allows me to continue my tour of Washington Oaks Gardens State Park (see previous two posts) because there just happened to be...

Motor boats. :)

Ok, so this last one isn't from Washington Oaks State Park... it was actually taken a few miles further south at another park, Bings Landing, run by the county instead of the state, where we stopped to catch the sunset (state parks close right at sunset whereas the county park was open until 11 pm so no leaving early before the best sunset photos would take place).

Motor over to the
ABC Wednesday blog and see what else might float your boat this week. :)
And if it had been a 'S' week you'd have called your pictures 'Speed!'
You seem to have both the area and weather for this appropriate M.
Fabulous virtual tour, of a wonderful m.
Great photos of a beautiful lake and a wonderful motorboat!
With the price of gasoline skyrocketing this summer; there were not too many motorboats to be seen around in our lakes.
Maybe next year??
Bear((( )))
Beautiful sunset. Love the way the light breaks into the photo from the upper right corner and dazzles in the water.
Gosh, I miss our old motor boat that we'd use on Shuswap Lake. Nice shots. :D
nice motor boat.....
Can you take me for a wonderful ride on thatMarvelous motor boat!
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