ABC Wednesday for the letter Q. Poor letter Q. No love. :)
Since I lacked a photo of any of the various brass or woodwind quartets or quintets I have ever played in, I had to come up with something else. So I borrow a word from our friends across the pond and choose "queue", which isn't exactly common in the US. We just call them lines, mostly.
Queue comes from a French word of the same spelling, but that word was based on the Latin word Cauda, meaning a tail, as on an animal.
So for illustrations are photos from various queueing areas around Disney World, where there are rarely a shortage of lines to wait in.
Some various translations of the word queue:
Czech: fronta cs(cs) f.
Danish: kø
Dutch: rij nl(nl)
Finnish: jono fi(fi)
German: Wartezimmer, Warteschlange
Hebrew: תוֹר (tor) m.
Hungarian: sor hu(hu)
Italian: fila it(it) f.
Portuguese: fila pt(pt) f.
Russian: очередь ru(ru) (óčer'ed') f.
Spanish: fila es(es), cola es(es), linea es(es) f.
Swedish: kö sv(sv)
But then sometimes you just get lucky and wind up first in line, so there is no queue for youeue. :)
Visit Mrs Nesbit for other ABC Wednesday blogs, where I'm sure there are no lines and no waiting.
This was great.
History lesson.
Language lesson.
Human lesson.
Thanks for sharing.
Come visit my Quadruped,
Ahh, good choice for Q a queue and the best place to queue up is disney...
I wondered about doing queues too but didn't have any suitable photos of one and have gones with a couple of Queens (or seven).
Nice Q!
I might ad that we in Norway use the same word for queue as the Danes: kø.
Oh, horrible queues! And it's always hot when you have to stand in them too!
Poor letter?
Not quite, not quite!
You could have posted a photo of mine!
YOur post made me chuckle. Good choices.
Oh Alan ...you are tooooo funny! Love your queue post and I like that we call them "lines" as in 'get in one'!!!
Mine is not as original as yours but here it is.
Great choice and photos for Q.
Great post.
We also call them queues north of the border, unless it is the ferry lineup. It has to be something important for me to stand in a queue that long!
I chose to use nearby Quadra Island for Q. It is a fun vacation destination that you can see by clicking here. – Margy
What a LONG queue!!! Haven't been to DWorld, but have been to DLand a couple of times and it's the same there. This is a great post for Q-Day. :D
Alan, fantastic, I loved this so much! I think a blue t-shirt would match your jeans and jacket! LOL!
I think I would choose to come at a time when there is no queue--yeah, sure.
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