Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lovely Label

We don't drink wine, but we cook with it quite a bit - red wine reductions for steak, white for chicken - but I do enjoy the labels; there are some very artistic labels on wine and liquor bottles. Some vodka bottles are almost pretty enough to use as decoration. :)


CaBaCuRl said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. Is that a French Horn you are playing in your picture? Half-a-lifetime ago, i was also a horn player, and boy, do i miss it!!

nonizamboni said...

Agreed--about the labels. In fact, I like to stroll the wine aisles to see what new and artistic ones have come along, usually from California or Oregon. Nice post.

Anonymous said...

Let me tell you a secret ... a glass of red wine with a meal is very tasty and healthy ... helps keeping our veins clean and free.

Rune Eide said...

I you keep the outside, I'll be more than happy to take what is on the inside...

Linda said...

Glad that it's just used for cooking! Why is it that companies like this have great, labels, commericals, etc!