For this weeks' ABC Wednesday "V" is for Valley.
While there are a few places in central and west Florida that are hilly enough to have slight valleys I don't have any pictures of them, so the photos this week come from a family trip to Tennessee back in 2004 with my wife and her family, where mountains and valleys are common.

Wikipedia has this to say:
In geology, a valley (also called a vale or dale) is a depression with predominant extent in one direction. A very deep river valley may be called a canyon or gorge.
The above shot is from a lookout on the interstate in southern Tennessee looking over a large valley of the Smokey Mountains, so named because the air is often quite hazy, making things look smokey.
Below is one way we utilize valleys: dams. The dam in the shot is the Dale Hollow Dam (hollow would be pronounced 'holler' in Tennesee dialect), located in northern Tennesee on the Kentucky border an hour or two east of Nashville. The reservoir created by this dam covers 27,700 acres (112 km²) of water.
And lastly my lovely bride and I standing on Bee Rock in central Tennessee with a valley in the background.
Visit Mrs. Nesbitt's Place for all the ABC Wednesday fun.
Great post for V...it's good to learn something too.
Beautiful valleys! Just below my V post is one about Campbell Valley - lush and green - and also fits with the V-day today! come on by and check it out. :D
You have great valleys in your country! Good shots!
How romantic Alan...and what a beauty she is too!
Nice choice and pictures.
Beautiful shot of you and your wife:) Great V post too;)
Petunia's ABC
A lovely view of the happy couple.....I love the valleys!!!
Great valleys and fantastic shots.
I live in a valley. It woudl be a good V choice for me if my eye weren't on the mountain.
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