Being in the sub-tropics and surrounded on three sides by water, thunderstorms pop up in the late afternoon regularly as the heat of the day builds with the humidity from the moisture of the Atlantic ocean and Gulf of Mexico, creating a perfect breeding ground for thunderstorms. They can be fierce, but are thankfully usually short lived and are gone within an hour or two, often leaving the bright sun back in place as though it hadn't rained at all.
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This is a remarkable photograph. You caught the rain pounding on the roof or and can see it falling in the foreground. Nice shot. I hope you get a couple of nice sunny days for the weekend.
Not bad.
So here you are ... a survivor to those storms! :)
Nice photo.
Nice shot!! Love that kind of rain as long as the computer isn't affected!
Three storms in a row! It must be raining everywhere!!! Can't miss the wet and wind of it all in your great photo :)
Great wet sky.
Great SWF.
Our sky is wet.
Come visit,
Troy and Martha
Such weather is humbling and amazing. I remember being in Florida during the summer to visit my father's mother. I couldn't handle the heat, but I loved watching the afternoon skies for the color, strength, and drama.
I`m glad to hear that they are short lived.
We haven`t had a drop of rain in six weeks. I really would like to have some by now. ;)
Splish splash I was taking a bath...
Raindrops keep falling on my head.
I'm singing in the rain.. I'm happy again.
I will be in song all day now.. as long as you have sunshine in your heart... let it rain.
that's a lot of rain, in Portugal we have a fantastic summer weather.
I would love to get that rain! We've been in such a drought.
I live in Bergen. My city is well known as the most rainy town of Norway. Well we haven't got any rainfall for over a month... Please send me some rain;)
Petunia's SWF
Please send some of that rain up my way. My garden really needs some water to drink. That is an awesome shot.
Definitely a downpour, that's for sure... WOW... great photo.
Rocky Mountain Retreat
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