A photo I took a few weeks ago from the parking lot at work - I just thought the way the clouds had a rippling effect was quite interesting, almost like folds in a bed sheet - but upside down... and grey... and really high up... and... nevermind. :)
Visit TOM for all of the SkyWatch Friday Fun.
The clouds look almost like they are bumping up against each other and that causes the ripple effect. It is a nice photograph for SWF.
upside down, gray or high up...they're still neat!
Happy Sky Watch!
I love the layers and layers on these clouds... they are very nice!
Mountain Retreat
It looks like it's time to grab an umbrella! Nice shot!
May each of us wrinkle so beautifully! Great photo. God bless.
I love your attempts at description! ::grin:: The rippled clouds are beautiful; sort of remind me of wind-blown sand patterns. In any case, nice sky watch.
Nice effect.
Nice photo. :)
Akin to the ripple effect at the beach. Nice feel to it.
cool catch for Sky Watch Friday! earth and sky are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books. Mine’s up too hope you can drop by but if you already visited then thanks.
Grey ripples are so much more interesting than a clear blue sky ;)
Looks like a downpoor coming. Like the tree you sneaked in there.
Thank you for joining in with Sky Watch this week and helping to make it special.
Tom :O)
good pic
This is a nice photo!
Julie is right, it is similar to the ripples you see on the beach, just really unusual to see it in the sky!
Great layers!
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