Friday, December 7, 2007

Sky Watch Friday

Cheating a little since the above photo was actually taken Monday afternoon on my way home from work. It isn't illegal to snap a photo (or five...) through the driver's side window while driving 55 mph down a construction constricted J.T.B. is it?


Debbie365 said...

I don't think so. At least I hope not! That's where I get several great sunset shots! That one is beautiful!

Carla said...

I find that opening the sunroof and snapping picture as your driving not only cuts down on the reflections you can get from the windows. You also get the element of surprise when you finally get to look at the picture you took.

Debbie365 said...

That one is a bit tricky. I tried to get a shot of a blimp the other day...just couldn't quite line it up! Ha!