Saturday, December 1, 2007

40 miles = 500 years

A fun day in St. Augustine today, with enough pictures taken to last almost an entire year if we post one per day. They aren't all blog worthy, but enough are that we have blog fodder for some time to come.

It was especially exciting because today was one of those fun days when they had "living historians" walking around - but not just a handful... no, today was a special day and there were somewhere in the neighborhood of 150-200 people dressed in period costume from the British period in the 18th Century. Men, women, children. Soldiers, sailors, politicians. Rich, middle-class, poor. Everyone and everything was represented.

At one point they held a private, period-only reception of some sort in a garden area:

The climax of the evening was a nightwatch parade / grand illumination where all of the soldiers lined up on St. George street and lead a parade of all of the period persons to the governors house behind the town square, complet with the Brits playing their fifes and drums and the Scottsmen playing their pipes. Civilians carried lanters or candles. There was to be a ceremony of sorts at the Governor's house but the crowd was heavy and we were at the other end of the street and quite tired after trapsing around uneven roads for 7 hours already...

And just for fun, a compliment to Sharon's seagull from yesterday, here is a gull coasting on the ocean breeze just north of the Castillo over the Mantanzas river inlet:

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