New electrical wiring in the entire room and two new outlets. The electricians were surprised the house hadn't burned down yet after they saw the old wires:

New studs to replace a couple that had heavy termite damage from some point in the past:

Wiring and support for a ceiling fan/light:

And ready for a new ceiling fan. Yeah!
Coming right along!
Looking good! It won't be long now!
Is that an outlet I see going outside near the front porch...for Christmas lights, perhaps? Also, tell E to be sure that the ceiling light fixture is centered in the room pretty well, or it will drive her nuts! (And her Mom) :-)
Yes, we had them add an outdoor outlet on the porch since there were no outdoor outlets on the entire house. Good for Christmas lights and outdoor yard tools like blowers and edgers without having to run an extension chord into the house, thus leaving the front door cracked for bugs and hot/cold air to enter/escape.
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