Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Shhh... I'm hunting Yankees

So last Sunday we drove out to the annaul reenactment of the Battle of Olustee (fought February 20, 1864), the largest Civil War battle in Florida, and also one of the 10 costliest battles of the entire war based on percentage of casualties per number of men engaged. Each year they hold a three day reenactment on the original battlefield (allowed on state parks, but never on national parks). We went out early Sunday morning to walk around, have lunch, and get a good seat for the full-battle recreation that afternoon.

We saw a Traveling Leech box:

A couple of funny signs:

There were camps and soldiers:

And cannon:

But by far the best thing was that which was most hilarious - they built a wooden officers cabin to depict a typical winter quarters type setting, and since it was too cold for real horses (coldest in 50 years - mid-20's most of the weekend for lows - and many slept in tents!) they had to tether up a bunch of carved wooden play horses. We laughed and laughed and laughed...

Notice the one little stuffed horse hanging by his neck!

I would post a picture of the guns firing and smoke laced battlefield - but it was "fricking freezing, Mr. Bigglesworth" and after sitting on the bleachers for about 30 minutes while eating lunch in the 20 mph North wind that created a wind chill in the 30's to the point that we lost feeling in our hands and my contact lenses felt permanently melded to my frozen eyeballs... we left and went home! (It's ok, we've seen the battle every year the last three years and I've seen many prior to that...)


Sharon said...

That is something I have ALWAYS wanted to do. Maybe one day...I'll add it to my loooong list of to-do's...

Debbie365 said...

...but preferably not in freezing temperatures, although you no longer have contacts that would permanently meld to your frozen eyeballs. (He should be a writer!)

Debbie365 said...

A traveling leech box??? I don't even want to know!