This poor pink mouse obviously did not realize what it was getting into when it wandered too close to our vicious kitten...
And don't forget the vicious teeth. "Roar!" she says.
Valse* your way over to the ABC Wednesady blog for all of the fun.
*Valse is French for Waltz... so dance your way over...
Great shots, especially the last one. I love the color of your cat.
My V entries are here and here. Please drop by if you have time. Thanks.
Vicious, that kitten?
That must be slander...
what vicious yet very cute cat! i hope she doesn't bite strangers!
mine is here: http://seasons.pinoyvibes.net/2008/12/17/v-is-for-vow/. hope you can visit too!
happy wednesday!
Well - Sometimes I'm glad that the doctors have forbidden me to touch cats...
Might be vicious but also cute
Great shots and funny comments, but your kitten isn't vicious, she is loVely!
kitty looks so precious...oops i mean VICIOUS! lol. thanks for sharing!
Haha! I don't think that kitty is vicious at all!
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