Thursday, July 31, 2008
Gimme five!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
ABC Wednesday: "B" is for Bagpiper

Bagpipes are a class of instruments known as aerophones, producing sound via wind passing through the instrument, such as blowing into a flute or trumpet, only with the bagpipe the air is contained in a resevoir bag that is kept under pressure by the players arm, which allows the instrument to continue playing undisrupted where an instrument such as a trumpet would have breaks while the player pauses to take breaths.

You can check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagpipes for a more complete history of the bagpipe as well as a gallery of photos of many of the different types of pipes found around the globe today.
These particular photos are of two pipers found at a Civil War reenactment. Each represented Confederate (Southern) soldiers. Ironically, there has never been any documented period evidence of either Scottish or Irish pipes being used during the Civil War in a military context, in spite of the number of immigrant Scots and Irish who fought on both sides during the war. One New York regiment hired a local piping club to play for a parade as they left to go to war in 1861, but after that - nothing. So while it is possible that one or two bagpipes may have found their way into camp, it is much more likely that none of those immigrants - who were likely quite poor and probably had never owned a bagpipe - even knew how to play.
Still, they are good to listen to - in moderation! - if the player actually knows what they are doing. If they do not? Well, let's just say I think a poorly played bagpipe sounds more like torture than music. :)
But they do make for interesting photo opportunities!
So don your kilt, brush up on your brogue, and pipe your way over to http://wednesdayabc.blogspot.com/ for more ABC Wednesday fun.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Casa Marina
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Landscape or Portrait?
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
ABC Wednesday: "A" is for Arch

For the first ABC Wednesday of round 3 I choose "A" for Arch.
An arch is a structure capable of spanning a space while supporting significant weight (e.g. a doorway in a stone wall). True arches appeared as early as the 2nd millennium BC in Mesopotamian brick architecture and in Persian ziggurats (see Chogha Zanbil). True arches were also built by the Babylonians in the 6th century BC (see Ishtar Gate ). The arch then spread to Europe and was adopted by the Ancient Greeks, Etruscans, and Ancient Romans. The arch became an important technique in medieval European cathedral building as well as Islamic architecture. Across the ocean in Mexico and Central America, Mesoamerican civilizations created various types of corbelled arches, such as with the interior tunnels in the Great Pyramid of Cholula and the many styles of corbelled arches built by the Mayan civilization. In Peru, the Inca civilization used a trapezoidal arch in their architecture. The arch is still used today in some modern structures such as bridges.
This particular arch comes from the doorway to the cathedral in downtown St. Augustine, Florida - the Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine. The current building was begun in 1793, but there has been a Catholic congregation in the city since the Spanish first landed in the year 1565, making it the oldest parish in the United States, as well as the oldest continuously occupied city in the United States (sorry Jamestown, you are #2 no matter what you say...)
Don't forget - new location for ABC Wednesdays at http://wednesdayabc.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Happy Anniversary

(Photos obviously not by either of us... :) Our wonderful wedding photographer Mike gets the credit for those - we were otherwise occupied.)
Friday, July 18, 2008
Sky Watch Friday

Hotels along the beach reflecting in the waters left behind by low tide.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
ABC Wednesday: "Z" is for Zephyrhills

(Photo graciously taken by my lovely wife, who has her own blog here. Shameless plug)
Per the Zephyrhills website "About Us" section:
"The history of Zephyrhills® Brand Natural Spring Water begins with a small town that earned the name “City of Pure Water.” This town is located among the scenic rolling hills, citrus groves and lakes of central Florida. The town was called Abbott Station and has a history dating to the Civil War. Paying $3 an acre, Simon J. Temple purchased the first section of land. In 1909, Captain H.B. Jeffries, a Civil War veteran, chose the sight for a war veterans' colony because of the abundance of good water. While showing the town to prospective residents, Jeffries overheard one of the guest's remark how zephyr-like breezes caressed the beautiful hills. The melodic name suits this ideal setting and gave the captain an idea. So, on March 10, 1910, Abbott Station officially became Zephyrhills.
In the same spirit, we named our water Zephyrhills because, to us, it's more than a name, it's a celebration of what's most natural about Florida. We believe Zephyrhills® Brand Natural Spring Water is the best that Florida has to offer: great-tasting water from natural springs in Florida. While Zephyrhills® Brand Natural Spring Water still comes from the Zephyrhills area, we have also selected additional spring water sources in Florida that will continue to deliver the clean and refreshing taste of Zephyrhills® Brand Natural Spring Water for many years to come."
And just for a little geographical reference, the town of Zephyrhills, Florida is here:
View Larger Map
So grab a nice, cool bottle and head over to Mrs. Nesbitt's Place to drink in all of the other ABC Wednesday posts.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Now a-pier-ing: 6
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Now a-pier-ing: 5
Friday, July 11, 2008
Sky Watch Friday

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Now a-pier-ing: 4
If anyone is interested, the entire 282 photo set of the full sunrise can be found in my Flickr photo stream under the set named "Dawn of Independence".
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
ABC Wednesday: "Y" is for Yummy

Upon arrival you are provided with breadsticks - big ones - in three different flavors to depict different areas of Canada: pretzel bread, sourdough, and multigrain. (You don't get the pretty lady included, she's mine. :) )

For an appetizer we absolutely must have a cup of the Cheddar Cheese Soup. We got the recipe for this so we make it at home from time to time: white cheddar cheese, Canadian lager beer, a few other seasonings, and chopped bacon on top. If this ain't yummy, I don't know what is.
Then on to the main course! For me, a medium-well Filet Mignon in a red wine reductions atop a bed of cream cheese mashed potatoes.
And for my wife a medium New York strip steak with rosemary roasted potatoes.
And no fine meal is complete without a yummy dessert, and at Le Cellier the best is the Chocolate Whiskey Cake.
Now that your mouth is watering, head on over to Mrs. Nesbitt's Place to see what everyone else has cooked up this week!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Now a-pier-ing: 3
Monday, July 7, 2008
Now a-pier-ing: 2
A closer angle looking down the south side of the pier with a small fishing boat at the end. If you click on the photo to see the enlarged view you can see the people fishing on the pier itself. Taken at 6.32 a.m. Sunrise was technically at 6.28 a.m., but thanks to the heavy clouds you can see on the horizon, it wouldn't make a full appearance for another few minutes... just enough time to walk over to the other side of the pier and resetup the tripod over there. :)
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Now a-pier-ing: 1
Saturday, July 5, 2008
One for the birds

(PS - I hope to get around to everyone that left a comment on yesterday's Skywatch post, but with the holiday I haven't been home much so it might take me a few days.)
Friday, July 4, 2008
Sky Watch Friday

I'm sure I won't be the only person from the USA posting fireworks this week since this Sky Watch falls upon one of our biggest national holidays, but I can't resist. The 4th of July - also known as Independence Day - in America is a celebration of the date in 1776 when the American colonies issued their Declaration of Independence from England.
The below firework shot is actually from 2006 in a fireworks display in downtown Jacksonville, FL on the river, with the moon shining as the small white speck at the top and the US national and Florida state flags flying in the bottom right. It has become tradition in America to set of fireworks on the night of July 4th to celebrate our independence and most large cities have at least one very large display, often set to music, and some of those largest ones are broadcast nationwide over the television (such as from Washington, D.C. or New York).It is all great fun until you want to go to bed and there are still people in the neighborhood firing off fireworks until the wee small hours of the morning... :-/
Apologies to any Brits who might still be brooding over that whole rebellion thing. :)
Head over to visit Tom to see what else is popping for Sky Watch this week.