Not to be outdone by other family members, this blog has been created in a blatant attempt to keep up with the Jones' or Nelson's or Pire's, etc., et al. I harbor no illusions that I will take at least one photo per day for a full year, but I promise to take at least two. They are presented here as that proverbial first step. ..
The cluttered desk where our computer (and classical guitar and keyboard, etc.) rests:

Our large cat, Cricket, doing what she does best - laying around looking beautiful, dreaming of better days when the ancient Egyptians treated her kind like the deities they believe they are:
Yay!! I knew I could sucker you in. Muahahaha!!! btw, I had my call with the camera people, they harrassed, I turned them down, they tried again, I told them no way Jose. Supposedly, new camera and accessories are on the way. :)
Is the floor kind of sinking in under her??? Well..maybe not!
Okay, this had been one very long step! Ha! You should put some of your pics from that thing you went to last weekend on here.
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